In The Eruptive Mode - voices from the hijacked spring

Director’s notes –

“No two fingers of a hand are alike”, says an old Arab saw. It’s a fitting description of the peoples’ uprisings that have shaken the foundations of the Arab region over the last two years; uprisings which, for all of their overlapping in time and circumstance, are as varied as the names of the countries where they took hold- Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Syria…

A series of short scenes exploring the themes of violence and desire in the contemporary Arab world. Written as a series of mocking, visceral and poetic monologues capturing the voices of individuals caught in the convulsions of change.

Lighting Design

World Premiere at the York Theatre, Sydney, Australia as part of the Sydney Festival, 2013

Written & Directed by Sulayman Al Bassam

Set & Costume Design by Sam Collins
Compostion & Sound Design by Lewis Gibson
Dramaturgy by Georgina Van Welie


Measure For Measure


The Taming Of The Shrew